The Invisalign System blends ultra-modern 3-D computer graphics technology with century-old orthodontic science to correct the teeth.
Invisalign aligners are clear plastic braces that gradually move the teeth into the desired final position recommended by your orthodontist. At each point of the treatment plan, each aligner is precisely calibrated and produced to suit your mouth.
The first step is for you to come in and see us to determine whether Invisalign is right for you.
After sending precise treatment instructions, Invisalign uses advanced computer technology to translate these instructions in a sequence of finely calibrated aligners — as few as 12 or as many as 48.
Each aligner is changes after every two weeks and only taken out to eat, brush and floss. Your teeth will progressively shift as you substitute each aligner with the next, until the final alignment recommended is achieved. After that, you’ll be grinning like you’ve never grinned before!
Please visit the Invisalign website to learn more about Invasalign and how it works..
Invisalign can only be diagnosed and treated by an orthodontist who has been trained and certified by Align Technology.
Invisalign is not suitable for all adults and is not intended for children. Only an orthodontist will tell you if this procedure is right for you.